Fronteers 2010 – HTML5 prezentacije

Fronteers 2010 je Nizozemska konferenca namenjanja razvijalcem uporabniških vmesnikov. Letošnja predavanja so se največ posvečala temama HTML5 in CSS3. Spodaj so zbrane najboljše na temo HTML5, priporočam pa tudi ogled preostalih.

Jeremy Keith | The Design of HTML5 | Fronteers 2010

Jeremy Keith | The Design of HTML5 | Fronteers 2010 from Fronteers on Vimeo.

Paul Irish | The State of HTML5: Inaugural Address | Fronteers 2010

Paul Irish | The State of HTML5: Inaugural Address | Fronteers 2010 from Fronteers on Vimeo.

Steve Faulkner & Hans Hillen | HTML5 Accesibility: is it ready yet? | Fronteers 2010

Steve Faulkner & Hans Hillen | HTML5 Accesibility: is it ready yet? | Fronteers 2010 from Fronteers on Vimeo.

