Pri A Book Apart-u so ponovno izdali novo knjigo z naslovom “The Elements of Content Strategy”. Če je bila prva knjiga “HTML5 For Web Designers” in druga “CSS3 For Web Designers” bolj namenjena designerjem oziroma programerjem je “The Elements of Content Strategy” namenjena ustvarjalcem besedil, saj govori o vsebinski strategiji.
V knjigi boste na kratko izvedeli vse o začetkih vsebinske strategije, primerih uporabe v praksi in kako se tega lotite sami.
Content strategy is the web’s hottest new thing. But where did it come from? Why does it matter? And what does the content renaissance mean for you? This brief guide explores content strategy’s roots, and quickly and expertly demonstrates not only how it’s done, but how you can do it well. A compelling read for both experienced content strategists and those making the transition from other fields.
Cena knjige znaša za tiskano verzijo 18.00$ + poštnina, 9.00$ za elektronsko verzijo in 23.00$ + poštnina za komplet. Elektronska verzija vsebuje PDF, ePub, in mobi formate.
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